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About the music: I've been writing poetry since my early 20's. In my 30's I found myself divorced are caring for 2 young children. Each evening when the kids were tucked in bed I would pick up a borrowed acoustic guitar and strum for hours. This was the beginning of my songwriting and eventual recording of a cassette tape. When I reached my 50's I built a music room addition onto the log cabin and began hosting a music jam session every Tuesday evening. The music jam session lasted 5 years and during that time I produced and recorded the "Eyes in the jukebox" cd with the help of very accomplished musicians and sound engineer, Ryan Pickett. 5 years later, with recording equipment from the jam room, I produced and recorded the "Disguise" cd. Now, in my 70's, I've continued to meet talented people and have produced and recorded my first music video. A process which has taken almost 4 years from concept to completion.
I CAN TAKE IT - by Jim Denny - 2019
About the farm: Reddbus Fsrm has been supplying hundreds of pounds of specialty organic produce and mushrooms to a multitude of people in Durham, NC and the surrounding area for over 30 years. The grow concept is quality and flavor over quantity. The main goal is to entrust in the success of organic farming and gardening while encouraging others to dig in the soil themselves and be determined in their quest, no matter how large or small your grow area might be. Education towards the health benefits of work, cooking and sharing creates a connection to mind, body and spirit.
About 25 yrs. ago I was self-employed in residential construction. I met a couple in Duke Forest who needed repair work done on their home. They had a 68" VW bus parked in their driveway. In our discussion that day I mentioned thatt if they ever wanted to sell the bus to call me first. Five years later they called and gave me the bus saying "You are like a son to us." It hasn't been easy repairing & maintaining an old vehicle on a limited budget but Oogly has brought me many bright moments as well. One of the brightest being my soon the be released music video in which Ooogly assumes the lead role.
Redd Bus Farm is in association with a beer brewing club known as "RBC". We host weekly meetings known as "The Thinkers", where we share beer, cook, and have discussions on varied topics including how to produce the best home brew. We currently brew IPA's, Stouts, Porters and English Ale's.
James "Jim" Denny
"Impressive Crazy"
Born and raised in Rougemont, NC, I've been in this area for a hearty 71 years. I've experienced sights that are exciting, enticing, extraordinary, frightful, and everything in between.
Life can be meaningful or mundane but by the grace of God, my hope is to convey just a tiny fraction of the beauty and knowledge this wild and ever changing planet continues to offer us daily.
My passion is organic farming and a healthy lifestyle. If you care to join us in our quest for fresh food, a fit body, and a sound mind, then Welcome aboard. Come sit a spell back porch anytime!
ADDRESS | 12117 N. Roxboro Rd., Rougemont, NC